00 377 92 05 40 78 - Stade Louis II - 98000 Monaco escrimemonaco@monaco.mc

Sabre Inscription





It is possible to register you with the Challenge Prince Albert of Sabre (U15 & U17) boys and girls

of June 1st  and 2nd  2019

 Here our EMAIL :    escrimemonaco@monaco.mc

Entries can only be made by completing the attached document and duly signed by the person in charge.
The applicable dates of birth are: (born between 01/01/2002 and 31/12/2005),

The foreign national teams, invited by our Federation, will be taken care of accommodation and food expenses with 6 fencers (with preference 3 boys and 3 girls) + 1 guide and 1 compulsory referee required regardless of the number of fencers, (that is to say 8 people maximum) as  from Friday 31/05/2019 (afternoon) to Monday 03/12/2019 (morning).

For the French fencers, each Club may introduce 4 fencers (with preference 2 boys and 2 girls)  + 1 compulsory referee required regardless of the number of fencers (that is to say  5 people  maximum) who will be taken care of accommodation and food expenses  as from Saturday 01/06/2019 (midday) to Sunday 02/06/2019 (end of the competition).

It is specified that the benefits given (free stay) can only be applied if a referee-adult is present.

All foreign and French teams or individual fencers must be accompanied by an adult who is also housed at the Mediterranean Center.

These benefits will be possible only if inscriptions arrive at the Monaco Federation of Fencing before Wenesday, May 22 2019. After this date no benefits will be granted.

Our Federation will agree to provide these advantages within the limit of places available at the Mediterranean Center.

We remind you that the Mediterranean Center is not a hotel, but a language Center that houses students in dormitories -bungalows. A strict regulation is applied and as mentioned in the registration document all excesses will be sanctioned by the exclusion of the Club from the competition. (Reglement-rules Mediterraneen Center)

Your arrival to the Mediterranean Centre (lodging) must be obligatory carried out at the opening hours of this Centre i.e. before 6.30 p.m. To beyond we let us not guarantee lodging. Please call the Center Méditerranéen to inform about your delay (tel: +33 (0) 493 78 21 59)

.A confirmation of receipt of your Email will be sent to you. After our confirmation of your reservation at the competition, we inform you that for all cancellations less than 72 hours from the date of your arrival, you will be responsible for the cost of booking the accommodation provided at the Mediterranean Center (calculated on the basis of 70 euros per day and per person). The same applies to any club absent on the day of the competition.

On Saturday from 11 am a first check of all teams, housed in the Center,  will be made in the refectory of the Mediterranean Center. For others the registration will be done directly on the place of the competition.


Centre Méditerranéen